The Stuttgart/Neckar-Alb region combines the benefits of a major urban center (Stuttgart) with the pleasures of a gorgeous and varied landscape. The result is an exceptional quality of life supported by a wealth of leisure pursuits.

The Technology Park
Quality of life included.
The university town of Tübingen lies 30 miles south of Stuttgart. According to recent FOCUS surveys, the town - with a population of 80,000 - has the highest living standards in Germany. Since the 15th century, the University has been central to life in Tübingen, helping to maintain a vital atmosphere in which debate and cultural diversity flourish and boasting an academic staff of international standing. Tübingen is also a young, contemporary town and an international center of art and culture. Thanks not least to its students, Tübingen offers an exceptionally broad range of cultural and leisure facilities catering for a wide variety of interests.
With a population numbering some 110,000, Reutlingen is a town where venerable buildings with a long and distinguished history harmonize gracefully with modern architecture. The beautiful old town is a favorite tourist haunt, full of historic houses, churches, towers and fountains, but Reutlingen also boasts high-class restaurants and a lively cultural and leisure scene, with plenty of concerts, museums, theaters and exhibitions. The surrounding countryside is richly varied, offering many opportunities for outdoor sports such as sailing, skiing and free climbing. Reutlingen is also the gateway to the Swabian mountains, within easy reach of the many hiking trails and recreation areas.
Die nahe gelegene Landeshauptstadt bietet Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Angeboten für alle Ansprüche. Besonders erwähnenswert für Kunst- und Kulturliebhaber sind dabei sicherlich die Staatsgalerie, das Landesmuseum, die Stuttgarter Philharmoniker, das Staatsorchester, das Staatstheater sowie zahlreiche Privattheater. Ein Muss für Technikfans sind dagegen das Mercedes-Benz-Museum und das Porsche-Museum. Sportbegeisterte treffen sich bei den Heimspielen des VfB Stuttgart und der Stuttgarter Kickers oder besuchen eines der vielen internationalen Sportevents. Darüber hinaus finden im ganzen Jahr regelmäßige Veranstaltungen wie das Cannstatter Volksfest, das Stuttgarter Sommerfest, das Stuttgarter Weindorf und der Weihnachtsmarkt statt.